
พรพรสำฦต News

Communications contacts

Rodney Porter, Executive Director, Communications & Marketing
porterr@camosun.ca | 250-889-7494

Jonathan Ruhl, Marketing & Communications Strategist
ruhlj@camosun.ca | 250-370-4555

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10 Feb  2025

Kalebโ€™s journey to overcoming fear

Student Stories

Coming to พรพรสำฦต College in his last year at Reynolds High School was a huge step for Kaleb Labillois. He had decided to take the Pathways for Life, Learning and Work program, which prepares students for entry level employment in food service, customer service and gardening.

10 Feb  2025

Lights, camera, university studies for Nic

School of Access, Student Stories

Nic Ihmels is a self-confessed movie buff. His time at พรพรสำฦต College combined with a love of cinema has helped pave the way for undergraduate studies at the University of Victoria.

10 Feb  2025

Discovering Tashaโ€™s inner dragon

School of Access, Student Stories

Learning new skills was important for Tasha Shaw but not as much as becoming more confident and being able to voice her own opinions.

10 Feb  2025

Supporting Jacobโ€™s love of learning

School of Access, Student Stories

A sense of family combined with instructors who listen, understand and respond to how he learns best has helped Jacob find his path to success.